Blog Archives

Sonic Cathedral’s female-fronted roundup for May: Part 1

SC logoOur buddies at Sonic Cathedral reviewed 11 albums last month. As always, the albums span a range of genres. What they all have in common is that the bands have female vocalists.

Since Sonic Cathedral selects the best of the best for review, the albums on the list for May range from pretty damn good to most excellent. We’ll do our digest of six of the SC reviews today, and the other five tomorrow.


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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 2009, #16 – #13

MetalCatHere’s a bunch of lighter songs. That’s how my selections bubble-sorted themselves, although you’ve probably come to expect a fair bit of lighter metal (or obscure prog) in my posts.

The other Metal State writers let me live here for entertainment. They throw peanuts at me. I am learning to communicate in their language. I can say “want peanut butter” in Human.


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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 2002 / #6 – #4

MetalCatWhere were you on the night of September 4, 2002? Can you account for your activities at that time?

If I had to answer those questions, it wouldn’t be beyond the bounds of probability that I was in my office listening to one of these bands. Of course it’s just as probable I was playing “Baldur’s Gate” and reloading because I got killed so often.

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Theme Thursday – The Women of Metal

For many moons men were the dominant gene fronting some of the most brutal and sometimes most haunting metal bands.  This is still true as men outnumber women as front-men (front-people, singers, vocalists).  Women, now more than ever, are taking the lead role and doing a damn good job maintaining the feel of a metal band, but with (usually) heart-piercing vocals.  The other end of that spectrum are bands like Arch Enemy and Kittie whose female vocalists kick you where the pain shoots to your stomach and paralyzes you for a while (men know what I am talking about).

It’s time these women get their own theme of the week at A Metal State of Mind.  Let it be known that women and metal unite and kick ass.  Here are just a few of the many bands out there with women leading from the front.  If you know of any others that kick-ass and take names, let us know.

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