Blog Archives

Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 2013, #25 – #21

MetalCatSince this is the last week of my year-by-year hit parades, I’m overindulging myself completely by posting my top 25 songs of last year. This’ll be good practice for making my list of my top albums of 2014.

Next week I shall reveal the true identity of Dark Metal Cat unless he gets me first with his very big paws and his very, very sharp claws.



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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 2004 / #15 – #13

MetalCatHistory, technology and fantasy make up today’s three listings. Those sound like the ingredients for a modern religion.

Dark Metal Cat agrees. He say’s it’s high time humans started worshipping cats again. I gently reminded him that I already do.


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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 2003 / #9 – #7

MetalCatWithout preamble, herewith a foreword. This hit parade has been compiled in compliance with the principles of not using a preamble to introduce the methodology. The results were not audited by a big accounting firm in exchange for high-profile TV exposure.




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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 1998 / #12 – #10

MetalCatThis morning there was a magnitude 5.3 earth tremor in South Africa. It was felt across most of the country, which meant it shook things up as far as a thousand kilometres away.

Strangely, Black Metal Cat was playing his music at just about that exact moment. His new amp arrived on an Abnormal Load truck.


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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 1997 / #8 and #7

MetalCatPlatinum used to be the heaviest known metal that humans could handle safely. Denser metals tend to be radioactive. Iridium, which arguably has the highest specific gravity of the elements that doesn’t decay in fractions of a second, is toxic in its pure form.

I’ve discovered a new metal that can be as heavy as you want it to be. It’s called Mammalum. It seems to be just the right specific gravity to match whatever kind of metal I’m enjoying. I thought you should know that.


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Mammal’s 21-Year Hit Parade: 1996 / #8 and #7

MetalCatIt must be true that opposites attract. I live in Africa in the summer swelter and winter mildness of Zululand, South Africa. It’s never snowed here. There’s never been frost. Yet so much of the music I love comes from the frozen north or is about the myths, legends and heroes from the top of Europe.

Maybe I have Viking blood. That is questionable, though, because I get seasick.


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